Kali ini mau sedikit sharing tentang cara pembuatan essay. Materi ini aku dapat di semester 3 di kampusku dalam pembuatan essay tahapannya simple gak terlalu ribut.
yang pertama : cari topik yang akan kalian buat,
next : bikin judul tulisan yang akan kalian buat ,
dan biar tidak susah saat penulisan essay nanti kalian harus membuat outline.
nah gunanya outline ini untuk memperjelas apa-apa saja yang akan kalian bahas di setiap paragrafnya.
ini contoh outline yang saya buat.
Kali ini mau sedikit sharing tentang cara pembuatan essay. Materi ini aku dapat di semester 3 di kampusku dalam pembuatan essay tahapannya simple gak terlalu ribut.
yang pertama : cari topik yang akan kalian buat,
next : bikin judul tulisan yang akan kalian buat ,
dan biar tidak susah saat penulisan essay nanti kalian harus membuat outline.
nah gunanya outline ini untuk memperjelas apa-apa saja yang akan kalian bahas di setiap paragrafnya.
ini contoh outline yang saya buat.
"Positif Effect Technology In this Era"
I. Thesis statement : In this Era technology have many benefit for human, education and some profession.
II. Benefit Technolgi for human
A. Communication : Now for communication is more easy than before. Because by using technology our communication never lost.
1. handphone
2. facebook,email,etc
III. Education
A. information
1. using google : this era all information, we can find in google or etc
2. Elektronik For Education : in school with technology can make learning more interactive. the teacher can using materi more easy
1. infokus
2. laptop
IV. Profession
A. Doctor : by using technology can be help the doctor for they are work
1. USG
2. Surgical operation
B. Engineer : the expansion in technology make many progress for engginer and make more batter.
1. Softwatre more high technology
2. Machine
V. Conclusion : technology not only have bad effect for human, but also technology have many benefit for human. But we must to know the function of technology.
"Positif Effect Technology In this Era"
I. Thesis statement : In this Era technology have many benefit for human, education and some profession.
II. Benefit Technolgi for human
A. Communication : Now for communication is more easy than before. Because by using technology our communication never lost.
1. handphone
2. facebook,email,etc
III. Education
A. information
1. using google : this era all information, we can find in google or etc
2. Elektronik For Education : in school with technology can make learning more interactive. the teacher can using materi more easy
1. infokus
2. laptop
IV. Profession
A. Doctor : by using technology can be help the doctor for they are work
1. USG
2. Surgical operation
B. Engineer : the expansion in technology make many progress for engginer and make more batter.
1. Softwatre more high technology
2. Machine
V. Conclusion : technology not only have bad effect for human, but also technology have many benefit for human. But we must to know the function of technology.
Disini saya membagi Essay yang akan saya buat menjadi 5 paragraf. Dimana pada paragraf pertama menjelaskan thesis yang saya ambil, lalu di paragraf kedua saya menjelaskan penjabaran dari thesis tersebut sama hal nya dengan paragraf ke 3 dan 4 yang merupakan penjabaran dari thesis yang dibuat pada paragraf pertama. dan di paragraf kelima ada kesimpulan dari essay yang saya buat. nah kalau seperti ini kita tidak akan bingung-bingung lagi untuk pembuatan essaynya kan.
contoh essay yang saya buat.
"Positif Effect Technology In this Era"
Nowadays technology was worldwide, as like a heart in
life. Every element has need technology to do our activity, and it is becoming
important in this era. Some people are thinking technology just only make human
be lazy, bad, and apathetic with condition social. But now, we can not to blame
the technology, because the change characteristic human. Now we must know,
technology has many benefits for human, this can
headway in education and help some profession.
The technology has benefited from human, for this
opinion, we can proof in our self. Simple example of technology is beneficial
for human it is in sector communication. Now for communication is more easy
than before. Last time we just communicate with someone use latter, telegram
and it was very expensive. But now by using technology we can communicate with
everyone is very easy we can use technology for example, we can communicate using
headphones, or we can meet new friend and old friend in Facebook, email and we
can use this technology every time, anywhere and cheap.
Not only its technology has merit in education.
Development the technology make education more advance. For information, in
this moment, so easy to reach all information in the world and everyone can now
what happen in the world. For example, in education for all information teacher
and student can get access to google to search what information they want. And
it can make student know more about session the learn, and can make they are
creative in school. Not only it by using technology can be make process
learning more educative, and interactive. Example the teacher can use the
laptop and infokus for explanation.
In this live technology cannot be separated from same
profession. For example, is a doctor. Doctor needs high technology since they
can be work, and it's very important for human. Sample technology, it is
important for the doctor is when someone wants to USG their patient. Doctor
need computer, and many high technology for this condition. And when the doctor
will surgical operate. This condition doesn't need skill and knowledge, but it
supports with high technology to make all be easy. Not only Doctor, engineer too
needs high technology in they are workable. With technology they can work
faster, and easy. They can use software to design, not like last time they must
to draw on paper. And technology makes machine better than before.And all it
can make engineer, so helped to finish they are active.
From all explanation about technology, for this era
technology have many benefits for human. But more important for all the
technology is we can know the function of technology and use it appropriate to
our sector. With the result that technology is good for everyone in the world.
Semoga Bermanfaat :)
Semoga Bermanfaat :)
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